Copyright ©
WHATEVER. Forward by Cindy O'Malley.
All rights reserved for all photos and articles.
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy for O'Mal Alaskan Malamutes
O'Mal Alaskan Malamutes has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy - yours and ours. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for this Web site: O'Mal Alaskan Malamutes.
This site is for entertainment and educational purposes only. The opinions expressed here are our opinions, not the opinions of our neighbors, the drycleaner, or a Eukeneuba salesman we once met traveling from Cincinnati to Detroit. The information in this site has been drawn from and submitted by many sources and some ideas were stolen without permission, expressed or implied from a variety of quasi-reliable sources. Any evidence to the contrary should be construed as purely accidental and not the intent of the author (who, by the way, receives no monetary benefit for having written these articles, but had to pay an overpriced lawyer for this disclaimer). The author assumes no liability for the content, nightmares or other psychological problems caused by reading these works to a PETA member already suffering post traumatic stress disorder from research laboratory rat raids. Original works by the author should not be copied, distributed or otherwise duplicated by any means (electronic or stone tablet included) without the express written consent of Cindy O'Malley. This information is only a general guide and starting point for persons looking for breed information about Alaskan Malamute dogs. You should not rely on such information for medical or health care advice since we do not have a veterinary degree, sheep skin or really old crumpled piece of paper that looks important. Always consult your Veterinarian for complete information or for diagnosis and treatment. If you can't consult a veterinarian, at least call the witch doctor, who will probably have better advice anyway. And most of all, trust your instincts - you know your dog better than anyone. As for privacy, we don't have any. When we put up the webcam we bear no responsibility if you happen to catch us in our jammies or with messy hair. If you ever took care of puppies 24/7 you'd know why. Our privacy is important to us, so understand how cranky we'll get when we get a call at 2:00 am because the you didn't check the timezone (we are in EST). We run a home full of Malamutes, not a business so don't have "business hours" and though it seems like we never sleep (because the website is online 24/7, we actually do, and do not appreciate calls at 2:00 am about your dog's diahrrea (unless it's one of our puppies- that's different).
We use an outside ad company to display ads on our site. These ads may contain cookies. While we use cookies in other parts of our Web site, cookies received with banner ads are collected by our ad company, and we do not have access to this information.
External Links
This site contains links to other sites. O'Mal Alaskan Malamutes is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.
Links to third party web sites, from this web site, are provided solely as a convenience for you. If you think they are stupid, useless or not helpful, it doesn't matter. I don't care if the music isn't working either because frankly I'm sick of a lot of it - it's been on the site for 10 years. I don't care if you think I can't spell. All other concerns can be directed to, but expect a cranky reply unless you complain VERY politely. If you use the outside links, you will leave our site and end up in Never Never land. If you still feel compelled to complain about everything, don't come back. We have not reviewed, nor do we monitor, these third party sites and we do not control, nor are we responsible for, any of these sites since some of them are just butt-ugly and most don't have good music anyway.
O'Mal Malamutes does not rent, sell or lease User Information we have collected through our web site mainly because nobody wants it. Besides, as dog breeders we are independently wealthy so why would we compromise our integrity for a few million bucks anyway? The only thing we collect are little bar charts of what countries people are from, what browsers are used, and pages visited. And we don't even know who you are when we do it. A company called Webstat collects most of the stuff for us, and we get to view it free on their website. We are too cheap to pay them monthly for the juicy stats so only see the really boring stuff. Therefore, you don't have to worry about us knowing who you are and if you are from the darkside. We mainly keep track of which pages you find helpful so that we can fill up our expensive web space, and eliminate the pages that suck.Public Forums
This site makes chat rooms, forums, message boards, and/or news groups available to its users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information. Most of that is no longer available, but I may do it again some day. I got tired of the Viagra ads and scammers selling things that had nothing to do with Malamutes.
I am also working to get this site to conform to the new Accessibility 508 requirements but have pretty much given up because it's so big and I only have so much time. If your are blind, disabled, or some other disability, no offense, but you really are not a good candidate for a Malamute anyway. If you don't know what 508 is and have a website then you and I are in deep do do. It basically says everybody - the blind, the deaf, and even cats must be able to read and understand this site - even if they are using mouthsticks, special readers or paws. So if you see any weird text next to a button, or something funky happens while browsing - BLAME THE GOVERNMENT. It's their fault. I am trying to conform because I feel disabled people and cats have a need to know about Malamutes and why they shouldn't really own one. I would not be fun to have a Malamute take off with your mouthstick (or body if a cat) and play with it.
This Privacy Policy outlines the information gathered and usage practices for because the International Safe Harbor Privacy Principles between the United States and Europe says we must comply. I have no idea who they are, or why they want us to comply, but I really don't want a big guy with lots of arm hair named Vinnie on my doorstep. The only user identifiable information collected is your name and the stuff you send to us if you fill out a survey. You don't have to do that, but we are friendly, helpful and won't spam you. The main reason we get your e-mail address from your e-mail is because it's there, plus if we didn't, how could we write you back? It's not shared with anyone - and that includes elves, hobbits or dwarfs in middle earth. We promise not to lose, misuse, or laugh at your e-mail address. We now have a "secure certificate" that is supposed to make all this stuff invisible to hackers. I really doubt it does anything, but it's a cute little gif and even has a scrolley thing. Please be aware life threatening classified information such as what you would do if a new puppy eats poop is now encrypted! You can correct the information sent in forms, but nobody will care. We are firmly committed to guarding the confidence you have placed in us and to use, responsibly and professionally, any information you volunteer. In other words, we will not display it on a 600' billboard over I-75. Neither will we laugh at the fact that your mother-in-law lives with you or that you use AOL.
You can't contact us at a mailing address on this site because we value our privacy and don't want you showing up on our doorstep. Sometimes we actually have a life and don't want visitors - like when we are taking a shower or something. We don't publish our address mainly because you may be from the darkside and my light saber is in for repairs.
Information We Automatically Collect: For each web visitor, we analyze how visitors use our site to gather broad demographic information like country of origin and browser usage among our visitors. This information will not be matched against your personal information as supplied through all the means disclosed above unless you come from a very interesting place, then I might check just because I'm curious what someone from Timbuktu would look at.
We are also checking into what the Export Compliance Requirements set by the United States Federal Government does and why we should care. I think it's just another government pork project to suck away your tax dollars, but I could be wrong.
Privacy and Children: Our site doesn't target children, at least not with weapons (defined as those persons under 13 years of age who are infinitely knowledgeable about everything anyway). They are welcome to visit. In fact a lot of our visitors are children. They may see words like "bitch" because it's a female dog or "poop" because dogs do that. We don't collect information about the age of our web site users unless they write us nice e-mails and send us cute pictures of their new puppies. We have been known to write back and send pictures of our puppies too. We comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998.
We accept no liability for any unintentional disclosure. If we are at a wild party and accidentally tell someone about your cute pet trick, we are not responsible for our actions. In addition, in the unlikely event that any government or private individual seeks information about your previous life as a mob boss or ax murderer, O'Mal will not voluntarily provide the information, but will obey any court order requiring disclosure.