8 Weeks, A lot going on
First bath, first car ride, first crate, microchipped, vet visit....and photo session
Dax, Neelix, Kess, Leeloo, Newt, Savaak, Kara, Netiri
Kara, Netiri, Neelix, Dax, Kess, Leeoo, Newt, Savaak
Kara, Netiri, Neelix, Dax, Kess, Leeloo, Newt, Savaak
Dax, Neelix, Kess, Leeloo,Newt, Savaak, Kara, Netiri
The princess and the pea (Kess)
Kara, Netiri, Neelix, Dax, Kess, Leelou, Newt, Savaak
In spite of the cute pictures above, this litter has been probably our most prolific at digging. One little bare spot and one starts, another arrives to help, I shoo them away with a "NO DIG" and more arrive to continue the hole. We put a rock in the hole (usually a good deterrent for puppies) and they just dig around the rock. They are working together to create the first tunnel through the earth to China. (No one warned them the treats were no good). Warning to all future owners....you will want to reinforce the bottom of your fence with something like Kevlar.
Favorite hole digging spot
It's hard work schnozzling a hole (Neelix)
Kara, Savaak, Neelix
Kess watching TV lying on Mocha
Neelix just being cute
Mobbing Mocha
Auntie Mocha's story time
Group Snooze
Lining up to go inwhen the school bell rings
There is a Mocha under there(smiling face on the left)
Neelix and Netiri
Puppy Mosh Pit (one big wrestlemania)