Superpods...Beginning Week 2
Shuffle is starting to grow, but the others are growing even faster! The difference in size is crazy! (But I get to cuddle a LITTLE puppy longer!)
Shuffle cuddling with her sister Touch...Nano is even bigger...
Bra puppy "Bali" Shuffle, content in her space
Dan gets the night shift...
All about one week old puppies
I've been asked if you can tell personality at this age...1 week. Well, sort of. Obviously Shuffle is a feisty girl and fighter...she survived. Nano is showing signs of being quite dominant, but that may not last. Riggs did too, and nobody could be mellower. Nano is big, so of course he thinks he should have it all! Nano is hilarious the way he goes from nipple to nipple, cleaning them out. If it appears empty, he's done and moves on to the next one. He has no time to waste on an empty nipple. He has a lot of "attitude" - but it's all in how you allow it to develop. It can be pushy, dangerous attitude - or just a zest for life and fun...personally I encourage and prefer the latter! Touch is the quiet one...actually they are ALL quiet compared to other litters we've had. These guys hardly say a peep. I'm sure that will change to some extent, but they seem a pretty content trio. While Alvin and Co.'s litter were quite vocal...and Jazzy's 11 were so noisy we could barely get any sleeep....these guys are silent. Unless they are being stepped on by mom or have a really bad case of gas, they don't say much at all. I sort of take that as being kind of laid back and easy going...they aren't intense puppies (in the way that Shadow or Superman are intense). They go with the flow and don't get upset about much of anything. I think that's a good trait to have!
Often one puppy will stand out in a litter. In this case it's obviously little Shuffle because she's a figher and is so small. But if not Shuffle, it would be Nano. He's the one that sets the pace and I'm going to try and get some video of him's all out WAR. He pumps that nipple like he's lifting weights! Touch is quite powerful too in her own way. But it's quiet the power behind the throne. She's not particularly needy, or loud, or busy or anything, other than she's beautiful - she just doesn't stand out. Pod is like that. The puppy nobody took an interest in but the one that became a swan...we'll have to wait and see. One thing Touch does that's consistent is she prefers the lower nipples and lying on her back to eat. She likes being upside down and tunnels under Pod a lot of the time. If determination counts, Nano IS determination. I've been calling him "moose puppy" the way he plows through everything. Touch has a similar style, but more like the determination of a determined young lady. I think Shuffle will just plain be fun...she is already quite a "people person" so I expect that to continue. How can you be anything less when you get ALL the attention from day one? She's the little princess, the one you notice. Because she's so small, she's not particularly "pretty" right now (she still has that scrawny newborn look), so she'll have to use other means to get what she instead she is quite loving and cuddly. I'm sure she'll use it to her advantage one day, wrapping her owner around her finger and just may become the most beautiful one of all!
So yes, to a point you can tell personality. It's not in great detail, it's sort of in the general way you think they'll go. Sometimes they seem to grow up becoming what they were named and you wonder if you just named them spot-on or did the personality develop to fit the name? Often a couple of weeks from now they will do a flip flop and the outgoing one will become quiet, busy becomes lazy, and visa versa... The spunky ones almost always stay spunky! I expect to see great things from them all...
More Week 2 Photos
![pup](../../../photos/pod1images/weighing shuffle.jpg)
Weighing Shuffle on a Letter Scale...
Shuffle's Bedtime box by my pillow