Star Litter #2 - 5-7 wks
Puppies Find Adventure and Become Individuals
Busy, busy, busy, nap. At 5-7 weeks Star begins to wean them gradually. The puppies began to explore their world and the rest of the house. They meet the big dogs and learn their doggie manners. The puppies receive their first shots, receive another worming and play, play, play. They even go visiting for more socialization experiences. They see their first snow and play outside. It's a time of learning and experiencing new and different things! Our other dogs participate in helping to raise the puppies and because of this they learn wonderful dog manners.
![a 2 am puppy party](../../../photos/2amParty5.jpg)
It's 2:00 a.m. Let's PARTY!!!
![Roll over kid, need to check you out says Nova](../../../photos/nova-noel4.jpg)
Aunty Nova makes a point.
![lesson in how to drink from a water dish](../../../photos/waterdish4.jpg)
See kids, you drink from THIS.
![lets eat each others faces say the puppies](../../../photos/facegames4.jpg)
What does your face taste like?
![puppy snuggles with Penny](../../../photos/pennysnuggle4.jpg)
Snuggle with Grandma
![The great escape out of the kitchen](../../../photos/Exploring5.jpg)
Great Escape I
![Meeting grandma and grandpa dog](../../../photos/GmaGpa5.jpg)
Hi Grandma and Grandpa!
![How can that be comfortable - puppy lying between two water dishes - on the dishes](../../../photos/Sleepy5.jpg)
Flop where you drop
![Kissup to Star](../../../photos/kissuptomom5.jpg)
Yes, Mommy!
![Noel's escape](../../../photos/NoelsEscape5.jpg)
Look at that!
6 Weeks Old Already!
![Cute holly picture](../../../photos/Holly6.jpg)
![threeway tug game](../../../photos/tugowar6.jpg)
![planning great escape 2](../../../photos/escape6.jpg)
![Grandpa Homer, tell us what it was like in your day](../../../photos/Homer-pups6.jpg)
![Hi big bro Hoover say the little ones](../../../photos/Hoover-pups6.jpg)
![It's MY toy and I'm not sharing](../../../photos/mytoy6.jpg)
It's MY toy and I'm not sharing.
![Dishwasher licking lessons by Star](../../../photos/dishwlesson7.jpg)
![Smelling a pine tree](../../../photos/snowsmells7.jpg)